
Лучшее из переведенного





First name, patronymic, and last name of a patient: XXX


Date of birth:ХХХ




Case record No ХХХ


Clinical Department:ХХХ


Anesthesia: lavage of tonsillar ring by 10% lidocaine.


Gastroscope conducted behind tonsillar ring. Esophagus is freely passed, mucous coat is pink, vascular pattern is clear, peristalsis can be traced, in the distal esophageal is mucous coat hyperemic, cardia completely closes, in a stomach is moderate amount of fluid, folds arranged longitudinally, with air insufflation straightened, mucous coat with areas of thinning in the lower third of the stomach, angle of stomach is not changed, janitor is freely passed, duodenal bulb moderately deformed, the upper wall of a shallow ulcer measuring 0.8 cm in the deposition of fibrin and hyperemic mucosa around the ulcer, and on the front wall there is an erosion sized 0.4 cm with deposition of fibrin , postbulbar is normal


Conclusion: esophagitis distal esophagus. Lack of cardia. Chronic gastritis. Duodenal ulcer. Erosive bulb.



- 0 +    дата: 4 апреля 2014

   Загружено переводчиком: Агафонычев Владимир Александрович Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: Abstract of medical record